I was born in Bury, raised in Whitley Bay, and have lived in Lancashire since I was thirteen. Currently living in Preston, I served for over thirty-one years with the Lancashire Constabulary, the Regional Crime Squad and the National Crime Squad.
I retired in the rank of detective inspector in charge of a covert unit, which received local and national acclaim for its successes in engaging those who openly sold Class A drugs, such as heroin and crack cocaine.
Prior to this I led the C.I.D. in Preston for a short while and before that I was in charge of a dedicated informant unit. Previous experiences include work on many murder investigations and other serious crimes, as well as time spent on drug squads.
I have served around the region, country, and overseas. My work on the National Crime Squad took me across Europe and to the Far East. I have been commended on four occasions.
I now write fiction based in-part on my experiences, and in-part from my fevered imagination.
I write full time, and in addition to my crime and thriller novels I am developing two TV dramas which are out on submission.
I am represented by the ever patient and erudite Olav Wyper at www.smatalent.com London. (My profile at SMA is Roger A. PRICE – Crime Novelist & Screenwriter – SMA TALENT Ltd.)