The Provisional IRA have attempted to kill the British Prime Minister and her Cabinet in Brighton.
Margaret Thatcher instructs the security services and Special Forces to work together to take the fight to the terrorists.
Red Troop of the SAS is formed. Led strategically and for intelligence by MI5’s Bertram Hastings, an unconventionally, but excellent field operative.
Operationally, the Troop is led by Captain Vernon Jackson who has as many detractors as supporters, but he gets things done. Assisted by a team of seasoned soldiers, Vernon gets to work.
He is tasked to identify and stop a Provisional IRA hardliner, Brendan Lynch, who is hell-bent on igniting a war to destroy all Loyalist Terrorists, and drive all Protestants out of Ulster.
A series of attacks take place, each more audacious than the last, with the final target so horrific, Lynch does not inform the IRA, for fear that they would try to stop him.
Hastings’s ace-in-pack is a top-level informer deep inside the Provisional IRA. Lynch discovers this and takes desperate measures to ‘out the tout’.

'I enjoy{ed} the characters so much and they come across as real and human and that is what hooks and engages the reader. Lots of similarities to Peter James but Mr Price is an individual and stand alone writer in his own right who knows how to weave a good yarn with pace and lots of drama.'
Amazon UK 5* review.
'I have been waiting eagerly for Roger's new book and I certainly wasn't disappointed! A very imaginative plot, written by an author who undoubtedly knows his subject inside out. I couldn't put the book down and right at the end when I was thinking I had figured it out a great twist to finish off an outstanding book! I'm really looking forward to the second in the series.'
Amazon 5* review.